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Italian schools visit Giavera British Cemetery

Recently more than 150 secondary school students from the ‘Istituto Casteller’ of Paese, Treviso visited Giavera British Cemetery with their teachers.

Students listen to a presentation in front of the Giavera Memorial.

The visits lasting over three days were the first coordinated series of school visits to a First World War cemetery in Italy with the help of the Museum of the Great War of Maserada del Piave and the Alpini’s Group of Paese. As a result of this new cooperation CWGC have been invited to go to the schools and talk to the students about our work.

The weather was varied over the three days of visits.

Giavera British Cemetery has 417 Commonwealth burials of the First World War and the Giavera Memorial within its grounds commemorates more than 150 members of the Commonwealth forces whose places of burial are unknown. Those who fell were defending the Piave from December 1917 to March 1918 and also took part in the Passage of the Piave during the final battle of Vittorio-Veneto between 23 October to 4 November 1918.

Tags Giavera British Cemetery Italy School visit