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The Menin Gate restoration one year on

The first year of restoration work has successfully ended on the CWGC’s iconic Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, with the Main Hall now completed.

The name panels have been repaired and restored with only 2 out of 1,210 panels needing to be replaced. The vault and ceilings have been fully restored and repainted and the bronze oculi (the round openings in the vault) have received protective treatment. Additionally, the stairs in the stair towers have been replaced and cabling for the new lighting and sound system have been installed.

Repairs on the stone and brickwork continues around the Monument with the lion on the roof needing work on some of its details. A temporary roof was installed allowing us to work on the roof in all weathers.

Restoration work on the oculi.

With this phase of the restoration ending, the scaffolding in the main hall will be removed between 8 April to 8 May allowing the name panels there to be visible again and the Last Post Ceremony to return to its original location under the memorial once done. A one-way traffic flow into Ieper will also be open for traffic in time for the Ieper Cats Festival on 12 May 2024.

While the scaffolding is removed, this year’s ANZAC ceremony will be taking place on the bridge in front of the Memorial.

The remaining work involves waterproofing and installing the new eco-roof, repairing and repainting the North and South Galleries, restoring the bronze balustrades, concrete repairs and installing the new lighting and pigeon protection.

The scaffolding will remain on the outside of the Monument and the works are scheduled for completion in mid-2025.

Artist impression of the completed new eco-roof (Bressers Erfgoed).

Tags Menin Gate Restoration Ieper