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Two Officers of the Royal Irish Fusiliers identified and rededicated in Belgium

The family of 2ndLt Joseph Bryson MC with the military party at his graveside in Dadizeele New British Cemetery. (Crown copyright)

The graves of Second Lieutenant (2ndLt) Joseph Bryson MC and 2ndLt William Cunningham, both of The Royal Irish Fusiliers, have been identified side by side in Belgium more than a century after their deaths in October 1918.

A rededication service was held on 10 July 2024 at their gravesides in CWGC Dadizeele New British Cemetery. The service was organised by the MOD’s Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC), also known as the ‘MOD War Detectives’ and was attended by serving soldiers of The Royal Irish Regiment.

JCCC Caseworker, Rosie Barron, said:
“Both 2ndLt Bryson and 2ndLt Cunningham had been fighting on the Western Front since 1914 and were Commissioned shortly before their deaths. These were two very capable professional soldiers who would have known that the end of the war was in sight and yet they continued to do their duty to the end. It has been an honour to organise this rededication service today and to see their sacrifice honoured.”

2ndLt Bryson arrived on the Western Front on 11 November 1914. The London Gazette of 15 April 1918 records that the then Serjeant Bryson was awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre and on 25 September 1918 he was awarded the Military Cross.

By October 1918 the static fighting associated with the Western Front, which had kept the British Army in Belgium within the Ypres Salient since 1914, had lifted, and Allied forces were advancing eastwards. On 6 October the battalion was still in the same location, and it is recorded that 2nd Lt Bryson, aged 30, was killed by a shell whilst on patrol. His body fell behind enemy lines but was recovered seven days later and buried nearby.

Pipe Major William Mitchell plays the lament during the rededication service. (Crown copyright)

2ndLt Cunningham arrived on the Western Front on 15 December 1914. He was Commissioned into 4th Battalion The Royal Irish Fusiliers in 1918 and was attached to 1st Battalion.

At 6.15am on 1 October 1918, 1st Battalion The Royal Irish Fusiliers attacked Hill 41. Heavy resistance was met from machine gun and trench mortar, but Twig Farm was captured, and a line was established north and south of that location. The battalion suffered very heavy casualties. The enemy attempted two further counter attacks. After severe fighting the counterattack was fought off by C Company but at the cost of many further casualties. 2ndLt Cunningham, aged 27, was listed as killed that day.

After the war, the remains of 2ndLt Bryson and 2ndLt Cunningham were recovered and buried next to each other in Dadizeele New British Cemetery as unknown second lieutenants. As they were missing, they were commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial. It was recorded that one of these casualties had two medal ribbons on him which would ultimately assist with the identification of 2ndLt Bryson’s grave.

The identification of the graves came about after a researcher submitted evidence to CWGC suggesting that their occupants could be named. Further research by CWGC, the National Army Museum and JCCC confirmed their findings.

The rededication service was attended by members of 2ndLt Bryson’s family who had come to pay their respects.

Roy Stratton, great nephew of 2ndLt Bryson said:
“'As family we had the privilege of attending the rededication of our great uncle, Joseph Bryson's grave at Dadizeele on 10th July. The service was well supported by a wide range of military representatives including a bugler and bagpipes in addition to many others attending from the locality. The service was very moving and honoured a fallen soldier as if he had died recently as opposed to 106 years ago.”

Roy Stratton, the great nephew of 2ndLt Bryson, was presented with a Union Flag. (Crown copyright)

The service was conducted by the Reverend Jason Clarke MBE CF, Chaplain to 1st Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment. He said:
"2ndLt Joseph Bryson was clearly a man of great courage having shown his bravery in the cavalry charge of the Royal Irish Hussars and had the notable honour of both a mention in dispatches and the Belgian Croix de Guerre before he commissioned to The Royal Irish Fusiliers where again he was honoured with the Military Cross. To receive such honours illustrates the qualities of a fine man, a bold leader and a courageous soldier. 2ndLt William Cunningham came through the ranks to become a leader in the 4th Battalion The Royal Irish Fusiliers. He demonstrated the qualities of one who could lead in the midst of war and who stood with his men to the end of his life. His example inspires all who serve."

The headstones over both graves were replaced by CWGC.

Geert Bekaert, Area Director for the CWGC, said:
“Caring for the graves of 2ndLt Joseph Bryson MC and 2ndLt William Cunningham of The Royal Irish Fusiliers is both a privilege and an honour. The CWGC is unwavering in its dedication to ensuring that these servicemen, who made the ultimate sacrifice, are remembered with the utmost dignity and respect in perpetuity. Our commitment extends beyond the present, reaching into the future, where their memory will endure for generations to come.”

Second Lieutenant Joseph Bryson MC

Joseph Bryson was born on 9 June 1888 in Newtowngore, County Leitrim, Ireland. He was one of 5 children born to Francis William Bryson and his wife Fanny. He enlisted into 8th (King’s Royal Irish) Hussars in 1907.

At the outbreak of the First World War the regiment was in Ambala in India, forming part of the Ambala Cavalry Brigade. The brigade arrived on the Western Front on 11 November 1914. The regiment fought on the Western Front for the rest of the war notably at Givenchy, Ypres, the Somme and around Saint Quentin. Their last mounted charge was made in 1917. The then Serjeant Bryson was Mentioned in Despatches in the London Gazette of 7 December 1917. The London Gazette of 15 April 1918 records that Serjeant Bryson was also awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre.

2ndLt Bryson was awarded the Military Cross on 25 September 1918 for his actions on 4 September 1918, when the battalion had seen fighting at Wulverghem. The citation for the award, which was published in the London Gazette of 2 December 1918, reads:

‘This Officer led his platoon with great dash and gallantry over open ground, subjected to heavy machine gun fire, capturing one gun and its crew. He then forced a defensive flank with his platoon, maintaining his position, under withering machine gun fire, both frontal and enfilade, until it became necessary to withdraw.’

2ndLt Bryson’s elder brother, Trooper Thomas Bryson, of The North Irish Horse, was killed on 21 August 1918 and is buried in Queens Cemetery, Bucquoy, France.

Second Lieutenant William Cunningham

William Cunningham was born on 8 February 1891 in Selkirk, Scotland. He was the eldest of 4 children born to James Cunningham and his wife Alexandrina. William enlisted into The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Following the outbreak of the First World War, he arrived on the Western Front on 15 December 1914. The then Serjeant Cunningham was wounded on the Somme in November 1916 whilst serving as with 1/7th Battalion. He was Commissioned into 4th Battalion The Royal Irish Fusiliers in 1918 and was attached to 1st Battalion.

Visit the CWGC in Ieper, Belgium.

Tags Rededication Service Belgium