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Preston (New Hall Lane) Cemetery

  • Country United Kingdom
  • Total identified casualties 506 Find these casualties
  • Region Lancashire
  • Identified casualties from First & Second World War
  • GPS Coordinates Latitude: 53.77022, Longitude: -2.66154

Our War Graves, Your History

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History information

During the two world wars, the United Kingdom became an island fortress used for training troops and launching land, sea and air operations around the globe. There are more than 170,000 Commonwealth war graves in the United Kingdom, many being those of servicemen and women killed on active service, or who later succumbed to wounds. Others died in training accidents, or because of sickness or disease. The graves, many of them privately owned and marked by private memorials, will be found in more than 12,000 cemeteries and churchyards.

Preston (New Hall Lane) Cemetery contains burials of both wars, some of them from Fulwood Barracks, the headquarters of the Loyal North Lancashire and East Lancashire Regiments. There are 324 First World War burials, a number of them forming two war graves groups but the majority scattered throughout the cemetery. There is also one Belgian war grave from this period. The 166 Second World War burials are all scattered. A Cross of Sacrifice stands by the cemetery entrance.