Petit-Vimy British Cemetery
- Country France
- Total identified casualties 71 Find these casualties
- Region Pas de Calais
- Identified casualties from First World War
- GPS Coordinates Latitude: 50.37185, Longitude: 2.79365
Location information
Vimy is a village some 10 kilometres north of Arras and the Petit-Vimy British Cemetery is west of the village and a little west of the main road (N25) from Lens to Arras.
Visiting information
The location or design of this site makes wheelchair access very difficult. For further information regarding wheelchair access, please contact or call 01628 507200.
History information
The cemetery was made and used by units in the front line from the beginning of May to October 1917. In 1923, it was enlarged with graves found on the battlefields to the north-west.
Petit-Vimy British Cemetery contains 94 First World War burials, 23 of them unidentified.
The cemetery was designed by W H Cowlishaw.