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Information on the CWGC

Our Vision

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission's Strategy is our main strategic planning document. It provides a framework for the delivery of the obligations described in our Royal Charter. It is a clear statement of our vision, strategic aims and priorities towards 2039.

Read our Strategy Towards 2039 The First Three Years 2023-2026


Our Annual reportS


This report details our work across a incredibly busy but fantastically exciting year for the CWGC. It will give you an overview of the day-to-day work of our staff around the globe and feature some highlights of the year, including our Legacy of Liberation campaign, events marking the 80th anniversaries of some of the major moments of the Second World War, and the unveiling our of new extension at Loos British Cemetery. It is a moment of reflection as we approach the end of an extraordinary year before we move on to the opportunities and challenges the future holds.

Read the 2023-2024 Report Read the 2023-2024 Report (FR)

Read the 2022-2023 Report Read the 2022-2023 Report (FR)

Read the 2021-2022 Report

Read the 2020-2021 Report

Read the 2019-2020 Report


The Commission seeks to provide value for money and respect the environment in which the war cemeteries and memorials are located. In 2019/20, the Commission received just under £65 million in funding, provided by the member governments of the Commonwealth nations who share the cost of the Commission's work proportionately to the number of their graves.

Governments Percentage Contribution
United Kingdom 78.43
Canada 10.07
Australia 6.05
New Zealand 2.14
South Africa 2.11




Our information security statement

We are committed to maintaining and improving information security within the organisation and minimising the exposure to risks. The full Information Security Statement is available here.

What can you expect from the Commission?

We will acknowledge receipt of all enquiries within five working days and aim to provide a full response within 20 working days. However, due to the complexity of some requests, our response time may be considerably longer.

Sometimes, we may not be able to provide the information you require. In this instance, we will make every effort to suggest who you can contact to further your enquiries.

Your views matter

We welcome comments and suggestions that will help us maintain and improve our service to you. The feedback section also provides further information about our surveys and responses from customers.

What to do if you have a complaint

You can complain to us in person, by letter or email. Please give us as much information as possible. We will keep your complaint confidential.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days and aim to give you a full reply within 10 working days. If it is going to take longer, we will provide a date for when you can expect to hear from us.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission
2 Marlow Road
United Kingdom

Contact us by email at


The CWGC is required by its Charter to produce an annual report of its proceedings, with a duly certified statement of the finances of the Commission. The Charter also requires the report to be submitted to Her Majesty The Queen. In addition, copies are sent to the Governments represented by the Commission.